REDISCOVERY by Kevin Hamilton opening in Áras Inis Gluaire on Friday 28th March 7pm until 9th May
My exhibition of new work at Áras Inis Gluaire is called REDISCOVERY; a real voyage of discovery does not involve the seeking of new lands but seeing with new eyes.
I am a local artist living and working in Ireland, producing contemporary photographic collages based on our environment. My exhibition, called REDISCOVERY will be a series of photographic collages made up from the built environment of areas of Ireland both North and South. My intention is to highlight the intrinsic beauty which is often ignored, showing Ireland in a new light and encouraging the audience go and rediscover the country we all live in. My work isolates and explores every detail and expands it into a kaleidoscope of colour and pattern, turning the mundane into a new dynamic perspective. I want to encourage people to have a different and positive view of our environment and be proud of where we are.
The miraculous is all around, all you have to do is look or know how to look, my work emphasises the positive aspect of our culture. The legacy of the past has been a source for many artistic works, For years terms such as culture or heritage have been abused in the North, and ‘culture’ has been used as a political stick to divide communities. Heritage and culture is the focus of my work but not in a ‘traditional’ way. Through my work I am challenging us to see Ireland in a new way. my work focus’s on the dynamic and positive highlighting the best of Ireland in a new way. I take the traditional and redefine it showing the beauty which can be appreciated by all.